Prague, Czech Republic
Somewhere in Vršovice...
Story & Media: Ben Rubin
Czech people are busy people. They don't have time to sit around cook things all day, they have places to go and beer to drink. But with Germany next door, and the smell of roasted bratwurst wafting over the border, they needed to come up with a meal to satisfy the carnivorous masses before they turned to cannibalism.
That's where Tatársky biftek with topinek comes into the picture; all the meat and seasoning of a gourmet hamburger, but none of that cooking crap to worry about.
Seen below is 500 grams of raw meat in all its glory. Mix in a couple raw eggs, a few cloves or garlic, some onions, paprika, pepper, salt, a gigantic pile of toasted rye bread...and some cold pints of Czech pivo to wash it all down. Bada Bing - the ingredients become a meal right before your eyes!
Na zdraví!